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    About Dr. Alavi


    Mary M. Alavi, M.D., P.A.

    After years of seeing patients with degenerative diseases and those with acute illnesses, I decided I wanted to focus on reversing the signs of, or path toward, premature aging and preventable diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.

    That's when I changed my practice to Balanced Health and Wellness—where we identify and address the underlying causes of our patients' illness and help them achieve their optimal wellness. I work with each patient as a whole individual—looking at their history, lifestyle, stress, and genetic factors to build a comprehensive picture of their current health.

    Then, integrating the Mind, Body, and Spirit elements, I ask each patient to tell me where they would like to be, and create a plan to help get them there. When we give our bodies what they need, they effortlessly reach optimal wellness—we're all miracles within.”--Dr. Alavi

    Dr. Alavi, medical director and founder of Balanced Health & Wellness, is a leader in preventative care and wellness through a blending of traditional medical techniques and proven functional medical treatments customized to the individual. She particularly focuses on treatment of the underlying issues behind such common problems as obesity and weight-loss resistance, adult-onset diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, thyroid problems, hormone imbalances, fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome, mood swings, depression, and anxiety. 

    Always committed to a whole person approach, for many years Dr. Alavi attended deliveries, cared for mothers and newborns, hospitalizations, assisting in surgeries, house calls, as well as a busy office practice seeing all family members.  Over the years she noted that most degenerative diseases as well as many acute illnesses were directly attributed to lifestyle and stress.  The bodies’ normal compensation for a stressor over decades of abuse resulted in metabolic and physiologic diseases leading to degenerative diseases.  She has since developed and nurtured special interests in preventative care, integrative medicine, anti-aging, bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, and wellness.

    Dr. Alavi is a native Texan, and she graduated from the University of Texas Houston Medical School in 1983, with post graduate work in the University of Texas Affiliated Hospitals Family Practice. She has been in private practice since 1987 and has always considered herself a partner in her relationship with her patients.

    Married for 38 years with four children, Dr. Alavi is a devoted wife and mother. 

    Personal Wellness Journey
    Dr. Alavi is on her own personal journey to an optimally balanced wellness of her own. In 2003, as she began to see preventable health issues in her patients, realized that it was time to address her own to improve her quality of life. At the time, she was about 60 pounds overweight.

    I looked at myself and realized it was time to put myself first. Physician heal thyself! So I adopted the Schwartzbein eating principles, started going to the gym regularly, and cut out the bad habits of skipping meals and staying up late. I quickly saw improvements in my health. The weight began to melt off and I had more energy.”, said Dr. Alavi.

    She has maintained her new healthy weight now since 2005. “It's a daily choice. I can choose to eat what I want, exercise if I want to, and enjoy the journey. I keep my dream of a healthy, vibrant, flexible body in my mind all the time—and that helps me make my choices easily. I know what is good for my body and what isn't. I know what is in harmony with my dream, and what isn't. That makes the daily choices so much easier! The joy I get out of looking and feeling great is such a motivator to continue to chose what's good for my body and health,” Dr. Alavi explained.

    Dr. Alavi's own commitment to her wellness journey helps her relate to her patients and serves as an encouragement. Her own story serves as an inspiration to many others, and she readily shares her successes and setbacks along her own path.

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